

Today we worked on analyzing poetry, it’s fairly easy.

Monday bell ringer

The probability of life being outside of this earth is very high. i believe it’s very high because of  the galaxies, it’s so many things we haven’t discovered yet out there. My reaction to seeing earth from mars was very shocking because i couldn’t believe we live on such a tiny spec. The sound ofthe black hole was very surprising because i never heard anything that had sound outside of earth. This definitely put my life in a different perspective because to my life could end right now if the sun blew up or the fact that me compared to anything in space i’m extremely tiny compared to it!

Tuesday- ABSENT


Monday- What i learned today

  I learned about the origins myths. I also learned a few definitions. The words i learned definitions to are Myths, Legends, and Religions. Myth means a traditional story known to be a lie. Legend means a traditional story that is not proven. Religion means the faith in or worship of a supreme. The origin myths contain similarities then the bible or mythology, the creation of the earth, humans. plants, and animals, human’s are seen as a part of nature, and a handful of other explanations.


 My name is Krystal Tolbert. I work at brusters to provide for my sister and I. My expectations this year is to not fail anything. My goals are to pass, find a new job, and to make my gma proud,